Colonial and Imperial Banking History

This book sheds new light on the role played by European banks in the economic colonization of much of the globe. Based on previously unused archival material, it examines the origins and development of imperial banking systems. Contributors utilize new developments and methodology in business history to explore a broad range of countries including Cuba, […]

Asian Imperial Banking History

When European powers annexed parts of Asia, banking systems were an important part of that process. The essays in this edited collection are based on original research using primary sources in English, French, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. The book as a whole provides new insights into banking in imperial Asia and a platform for further […]

Investment Banking History: National and Comparative Issues 19th-21st Centuries

The recent financial and banking crisis did reveal the discrepancy between internal management rules and the demands for stability within the divisions of corporate and investment banking by universal banks or within pure investment banks. Their mastership of risks did not balance the variety and breadth of operations, at the expense of transparent and well-structured […]

L’esprit économique impérial (1830-1970) : Groupes de pression & réseaux du patronat colonial en France & dans l’empire

Alors qu’on assiste au retour en mode de l’histoire de la colonisation et aux débats sur les effets durables de formes multiples de l’impérialisme aux niveaux économiques, sociologiques ou culturels, les historiens français s’intéressant aux systèmes impériaux, liant étroitement la métropole à ses possessions ultramarines, affirment dans cet ouvrage leur vitalité et leur volonté de […]

Ford en France et en Belgique : Cent ans d’histoire, 1903-2003

La Ford Motor Company a fêté en 2003 son centenaire : elle est encore cette année la deuxième société d’automobiles mondiale, derrière Général Motors et derrière Toyota, qui vient juste de la dépasser ; elle vient au troisième rang en Europe, où des usines se sont installées dès la deuxième décennie du XXe siècle. La […]

Ford, 1903-2003 : The European History

Ford Motor Company is a global giant. It pioneered mass production and the global multinational corporations. « Fordism » is a symbol of the modern age. In this book, produced in Ford’s centenary year, an international team of independent researchers explores Ford’s European history and presents new analyses of its dynamics and significance. Second volume looks at […]